2012年11月23日 星期五

3D art concentration ideas

3D art concentration ideas
I have been doing lots of works on the faces and figure in the breath section, therefore I would like to combine my previous learned skills in fashion design and sewing making garment into my 3D concentration works. The only thing is that I’m going to use other materials than fabric such as plastic bags, paper, metal wires, natural element such as flowers, using creativity and create something different, using everyday element materials into the garment. It does not mean that I’m not going to use fabric, I would like to combine them to different materials into the pieces, and first design a collection that they are connected to each other, using similar material but with a twist, so they look different but base on the same inspiration, hoping that it would look like a collection and concentration collection of works. In addition, I can do some photography on the works and drawing the final design mood boards of the collection, and turn them into a quality portfolio of AP 2D.   

2012年9月26日 星期三

3D Blog Assignment Due 27th

Blog assignment due Sept 27 - research 3D artists using sites like http://illusion.scene360.com/ or any other site you would like to use.  Choose one of the artists and write about what you like about the work. Post some photos of their work.

         After looking around on this website, I’m being inspired by a lot of the works in there. But because that this is a 3D assignment, I’ve chosen “sculptural graffiti” that has caught my eyes. There’s even a video to it, so I looked further into this, and it is very different when you looking at the sculptural graffiti in photos and you are actually next to the art. The artist who did the work mostly used paper to create the artwork and used sticks to make the artwork stay standing. I don’t think that this is just a piece of 3D art work that it is just there. This is a temporary artwork that wouldn’t be there forever, it’s probably being removed very soon after it was created. Because that what if the street cleaning lady comes and recycle them, or it start raining and the art work’s ruined? So I think photography and video does a good job of recording the whole thing down. But I think what this sculptural graffiti work touched me was that, the artwork and the city actually combines and melt into one, just like the graffiti too, but the 3D graffiti stand out more, it’s more unusual and creating this “I’m alive” feeling to it.

2012年9月11日 星期二

3d material paragraph homework

I remember in grade 10, I had a geography project, which is create a volcano model, which we could use any form of material. I went to the supermarket and asked them if they have got some transparent wrapping bags, I gathered them and I was going to make an transparent volcano which you can see through the layers inside, such as rock, paint etc. It did not happen, because that I thought it was too hard to accomplish and the used plastic bags are not clear enough, also I couldn’t figure out how to let the paint stay and where I wanted it to be at, so I changed my idea. This idea assignment really reminds me of the unfinished project that I had which I never handed in, therefore I would like to use the same idea, which I thought it was pretty unique, but just not about the volcano though, probably something else that is related to my current pieces art work. I think that I would look for better material instead of the used ones, and figure out how can I paint onto the plastic bags, since that I didn’t have acrylic paint back at that time. 

2012年8月30日 星期四

29/08/2012 3D AP Relieve

This is the first 3D project that i have ever done before, even though i havn't made any clay works after primary school, i'm going to try my best and maybe apply some basic knowledges from 2D art onto this 3D project.
I wasn't so sure on what the whole project is talking about, then i found out that we are actually making a clay relief, which we can carve or build on that piece of clay. In other projects i'v been concentrated on human body, the shape and contour, different forms of our body. Then i thought why not make the clay reliefe project on the same idea.
I hav ben reading a poetry book called 'mirror, mirror', the poems in the book reflects the idea of how everything have two different sides, and can be presented in two different forms, like the reflection. Therefore, i decided to use both carving technic and building techics on theis project, which im going to  build a human form, and then carve a body right next to it and create the opposite mirror effect.
Just to add the uniquness, i'm going to add in 3D piece of different part of inner body such as brain, and lungs, and add it to the carved body.
I hope that this would help me with the future project and give me more inspiration to the future art work that i'm going to create.
29/08/2012 Chance Chen AP 3D

inspiration photo links attached above